About us

Founded in 2018, Platform-101 emerged as a non-profit institution supporting young digital artists and establishing a foundation for digital art in Iran. In 2019, they introduced the "Manifesto of Iranian Glitch Art," championing black and white aesthetics in glitch art. Collaborating with cultural organizations, they hosted research-based performances and, in 2020, organized Iran's first Glitch group exhibition. They expanded into music collaboration, releasing an EP in noise. In 2021, "Glitch: Pixel Aesthetics" graced the Pejman Foundation. In 2022, their focus shifted to exploring Glitch in Fractal, underscoring Platform-101's ongoing commitment to pushing the boundaries of Glitch Art.

Glitch in the Sacred Geometry

Curated by Mohammad Ali Famori 

In the realm of sacred geometry, where the intricate patterns of existence unfold, there exists a profound interplay between glitch and evolutionary systems. Within this enigmatic domain, chaos intertwines with the ever-unfolding sacred geometry, persisting along its fractal path.

Within this curated space, inspired by the Pixel Language's Glitch Manifest, we embark on a journey to explore the semantic and aesthetic dimensions of collapse, discontinuity, and destruction within the framework of sacred geometry.

Presenting "Glitch in the Sacred Geometry," this exhibition delves into the depths of sacred forms and their inherent glitches, unveiling a captivating tapestry of visual and conceptual revelations.